Category: Advice

Republican States Appeal to Supreme Court to Halt Big Oil Climate Lawsuits

19 Republican states have appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene against Democratic-led lawsuits filed against big oil and gas companies. The lawsuits allege that big oil and gas companies lied to the public about the potential climate harm of fossil fuels. However, Republican states are pushing back, claiming California and other states do not have […]

Which U.S. States Are Benefitting the Most From the IRA, CHIPS and BIL?

Since the introduction of the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other funding policies, several states across the U.S. have benefitted from investment in green energy, tech, and other sectors. While recent funding policies offer widespread public spending across the U.S., some unexpected states are benefitting from the initiatives more than others. A few […]